Farm & Property Management
Increasingly stringent environmental regulations, health concerns for workers and livestock and climate/rainfall variability are ging challenges for the rural sector, as well storage and transportation goods.
With a product range that offers, “total site management” GRT can create cost saving opportunities and reliable management strategies for the common and industry specific needs across agriculture, horticulture, and livestock sectors.
Managing dust on farms with GRT products is now the simple and effective way of reducing the risk of crop and fruit damage, respiratory disease, eye irritation, and product contamination on your farms.
Airborne dust in its own right damages the upper and lower respiratory tracts of livestock – but is also the principle transport mechanism for the microbes that cause infection, illness, slowed gth and premature mortality in your stock.
Note: The rural workforce is also exposed to this same hazard!
GRT products have been developed to effectively eliminate dust generation by controlling the surface of gravel and soil based tracks and packing sheds without the expense of bitumen sealing, asphalt or concrete, the wasteful and overly short duration of water’s effectiveness, and the unreliability and detrimental impact of some other dust control products on the market.
TESTED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OPTIONSGRT Wet-Loc and GRT-7000. These 2 products are tried and proven in the Australian and New Zealand rural sector and have been independently tested and verified to Food Safety Australia and New Zealand Standards (FSANZ).
GRT: Wet-Loc is a clear, synthetic fluid that is applied neat. Formulated to meet the highest environmental standards, GRT: Wet-Loc is non-toxic and non-corrosive. It permeates deep into the finest of dust particles, weighing them down securely like water, but without the threat of evaporation or freezing to handle heavy wear and tight-turning areas such as:
With correct dosage and application, it can remain actively effective for up to 12 months, regardless of the weather or severity of traffic.
GRT-7000 is a liquid polymer dust suppression concentrate for use on farm tracks and roads. GRT-7000 suppresses treated road dust particles for up to two months. It is mixed with water and can be applied using existing water trucks or tankers to provide an exceptional surface coating solution for farm access tracks.
It can also be mixed in to a depth of 50-100mm and act as a tough, long-term binding agent for track construction purposes.
High seasonal winds or storm events can remove as much as 50-100mm of valuable topsoil from cropping and agricultural lands. This top layer of soil is also the layer that contains valuable seed, fertilisers and herbicides.
SAVING YOUR TOPSOIL DOESN’T COST YOU THE EARTH!GRT Soil-Loc is a cost effective, broad-acre wind erosion technology designed to protect cropping lands when they are most vulnerable.
Specifically formulated for the rural sector, GRT: Soil-Loc provides farmers and gers peace of mind and confidence that wind and rain will have negligible negative impact on this years harvest. This unique formulation allows irrigation and rainfall to penetrate through its crust at a controlled rate, whilst limiting both wind and rill erosion of soil.
GRT Soil-Loc will protect your investment for a little cost per hectare, ensuring valuable soil and fragile shoots are protected against driving winds carrying destructive soil particles.
Application:Designed to be applied through standard rural equipment such as sprayers or irrigations systems, GRT: Soil-Loc is simple to use and safe for crops, livestock, workers and the environment. The product is diluted with water and best added with agitation or into flowing water to ensure thorough mixing.
Ultimate Rural Product: GRT: Soil-Loc solves wind and rain erosion problems keeping your soil where you need it the most, is safe for the environment, and stops the transportation of soil into receiving waters and other sensitive eco-systems.