GRT 7000

Polymer Seal

A specially formulated liquid polymer, GRT 7000 is a key solution that dries clear, and is environmentally friendly. Engineered for use in civil construction, it can act as a clear polymer sealant as well as a high performing stabilization agent.

GRT 7000

GRT 7000 works by physically and chemically bonding soil or pavement particles leading to improved compressive strengths, high tensile resilience, and water impermeability.

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GRT 7000 (D) Dust Control Polymer Sealing:

Polymer sealing with GRT 7000 works differently. After initial works, maintenance applications are required once every 12 to 16 week depending on traffic loading. With each application, an accumulating number of silty dust particles are bound together, preventing them from becoming airborne. Due to the cumulative residual nature of the product, over time, the rate of application of GRT 7000 reducing, becoming more economical each year. Simply sprayed from a water truck, the results are:

  • Elimination of dust and its impacts (visibility, health, surrounding areas)
  • Stable, waterproof surface preventing corrugation and potholing
  • Improved skid resistance and decreased rolling resistance
  • Costs savings of 30-40% due to removal of daily watering and grading, less wear and tear on vehicles, improved haul times, elimination of downtime during and after wet weather (cost savings independently verified by Deloitte).
  • Available is environmental Green and environmental Clear product color
GRT 7000 (S) Soil Stabilization:

As well as a clear, environmentally safe, and aesthetically pleasing polymer seal, GRT 7000 is a highly effective polymer soil stabilization agent. Used on its own or in conjunction with traditional soil stabilisation agents it achieves extremely high UCS results with relatively low dosage rates. For example, testing with as little as 0.7% by mass has seen results over +6MPa achieved.


New Construction – subgrade, sub base, base improver

Pavement Recycling – in situ treatment

Sealing or stabilising haul roads, side tracks, car parks, construction or military camps, container hardstands, railroad yards, and temporary landing areas.

Quality Assured:

Manufactured to ISO9001 standards and comprehensively reviewed by leading independent testing institutions worldwide,.GRT 7000 Environmental Polymer Sealant is the highly engineered but simply applied approach, greatly reducing both rising dust and costs on hundreds of kilometres of roads worldwide.


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